Gorgon's head on a silver coin
Classics 215:


Spring 2002

The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

Topics for "Final" Papers

Paper #7 topic
Due 5 pm on Monday, April 29

Directions: Topic: "Odysseus" meet very many interesting women both in the Odyssey and in the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? In your essay compare and contrast the characters of Penelope and the Sirens in both the Odyssey and the movie. Make sure you also detail the significance of the similarities and differences which you find. As always, make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions. [If you write the longer paper you may discuss other female characters in addition to Penelope and the Sirens].

Paper #8 topic
Due 5 pm on Monday, April 29

Directions: Topic: Write on one of the following topics:
1. Examine the importance of song in both the Odyssey and the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? As always, make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions.

2. The character "Odysseus" in both the Odyssey and the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou? are quite similar yet, in many ways, quite different. Discuss. In your discussion examine the significance of the similarities and differences and, as always, make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions.