Introduction to Heroic Myth:
Powell, Chapter 12: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 13: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 14: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 15: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 16: go to his web site: click here
(but only the sections of 15 and 16 which deals with Theseus)
Powell, Chapter 18: go to his web site: click here
Possible Essay Questions:
Short Essay topic: Compare and contrast the modern American and ancient Greek views of women based on the "American" myth of Hercules, and the Greek myth of Heracles. As always make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions. (FYI if you would like to read the Hercules' movie's script, click here)
Long Essay topics:
1. Birth/Childhood. Examine the births & childhoods for all three heroes (Perseus, Theseus, and Jason) with respect one of the following theories of myth interpretation (Freud's, or Jung's). Make sure you start by briefly but sufficiently stating what the theory is; make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions; and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the theory as you evaluate the myths.

2. After the Quest. Apply either Jung's theory or Freud's theory of myth interpretation to all three heroes (Perseus, Theseus, and Jason) with regards to the following question: does the theory explain satisfactorily for all three what happens after the hero "completes the quest and gets the girl?" Make sure you start by briefly but sufficiently stating what the theory is; make sure you give specific examples to back up your conclusions; and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the theory as you evaluate the myths.