The Portfolio

Form: use a three-ring binder with dividers & have a table of contents page.


  1. A 300-450 word essay (see topic below)
  2. The In-class Exam
  3. All papers written for the course, including all drafts on which we provided comments.
  4. Handouts/web material assigned for class
  5. Class notes and reflections on the readings, class presentations, films, and other class activities.
  6. Revising: You may revise your papers, but note that this revised version will count for 60% of the grade for that assignment.

Topic: Imagine the you have spent the past semester studying in ancient Rome and are writing home for the first time. In your letter describe what you have learned and experienced; you may also add what impact these have had on you.

Posting: you must post your final paper and the 300-450 word essay (recall there is a significant deduction for not posting)

Grading: The portfolio will be evaluated on the basis of thoroughness, clarity, organization, and evidence of critical thinking.