Microtheme #1
a) 600-900 words long
b) bring 2 paper copies to class
c) submit one electronic copy to "Submit Papers to this Folder"
d) due 11 a.m., Wednesday, January 23
Write on the following topic: One often hears the expression "you are what you eat." This expression reflects the idea that food and the customs and practices that surround it are reflective of both who one is and what one's society is like. In your essay, focusing on the time of the Principate and now (using collegiate life at Westminster for the "now"), discuss in what ways food and the customs/practices surrounding it have undergone a transformation.

Microtheme #2

a) 600-900 words long
b) bring 2 paper copies to class
c) submit one electronic copy to "Submit Papers to this Folder"
d) due 11 a.m., Monday, Feb. 4
Write on the topic below: Clothing is often a reflection of who one is and what one's society is like. Compare and contrast your clothing, hair styles, etc. with that of a typical ancient Roman (from a social class of your choice, but of the same gender as you are) from the time of the Principate. In your discussion be sure to include how and why have these undergone a transformation since the time of the Principate. Also make sure you use primary sources effectively and cite them correctly.