Take-home Option for Exam I

Section A: due 9:25 a.m. Thursday, October 10
Section B: due 2:00 p.m. Thursday, October 10
(in both paper and electronic form)

    Option 1: write three 600-900 word essays on the topics given below
    Option 2: write two 900-1200 word essays on two of the topics given below


1) Politics. Trace the development of the governmental structure from the Mycenaean Age, through the Dark Age, and to the end of the Archaic Age, focusing specifically on the role of the non-aristocrats. You should also present some of the reasons why the governmental structure changed.

2) East/West. Some scholars have postulated that the genius of Greek civilization lay in how it adapted what it got from its eastern neighbors. Discuss with respect to the Mycenaean Age and the Archaic Age.

3) Society. Compare and contrast the relationship between "significant others" in both the late Dark Age, as evidenced in Homer's works, and the Archaic Age, as evidenced in the archaic poets we have studied.