Take-home Option for Exam I

Section A: due 9:25 a.m. 
Section B: due 2:00 p.m. 
(in both paper and electronic form)

    Option 1: write three 600-900 word essays on the topics given below
    Option 2: write two 900-1200 word essays on two of the topics given below


1) Politics: We have seen how the governmental structures within ancient Greece underwent several transformations from the time of the Mycenaeans to the coming of the Persians. Focusing specifically on the upper class, examine this transformation, making sure you cover the Mycenaean Age, the Dark Age, and the Archaic Age. Make sure you cite sufficiently and correctly.

2) Religion: Focusing on how humans related to "the divine", examine the religious practices of the Minoans, the Mycenaeans, the Dark Age Greeks (as evidenced in Homer), and the Archaic Age Greeks. In your examination note similarities & differences along with the reasons for them. Make sure you cite sufficiently and correctly.

3) Society: We have discussed in class the importance of the Heroic Code to Dark Age basilees (aristocrats/chieftains). In your essay detail what the code was (giving important examples from the selections of Homer that we have covered), examine the possible evidence for such a Code in Mycenaean Society, and look at how the code underwent a transformation in the Archaic Age. Make sure you cite sufficiently and correctly.