Take-home Option for Exam II

Section A: due 9:25 a.m.
Section B: due 2:00 p.m. 
(in both paper and electronic form)

    Option 1: write three 600-900 word essays on three of the topics given below
    Option 2: write two 900-1200 word essays on two of the topics given below
NB: Make sure you give good examples (not just quotes) to back up your theses and cite correctly, giving page numbers, line numbers, book numbers, etc. as appropriate.


1. Historians are interested in the ways that literature reflects the social norms of the times. Keeping this in mind, examine male/female relationships in the Antigone and the Lysistrata  and discuss what they may reveal about Athenian society of the times, using class notes and Pomeroy 157-161 (4th edit) as the benchmark for Athenian society (if writing on #3, you can't write on this topic).

2. George F. Will recently noted that an underlying assumption within the US is a belief that "a particular kind of civic order -- democracy, representation, the rule of law, a large sphere of privacy and individual autonomy -- is right for the fulfillment of human nature" ("Grand Delusions," Washington Post, Sept 30, 2004:
registration required). Compare and contrast the Spartan and Athenian systems (as they existed in the fifth century) based on his four points and determine which is most like the US based on those four.

3. Greek drama is composed of both tragedy and comedy. Compare and contrast the two using specific examples from the Antigone and the Lysistrata. Also discuss how Greek and modern drama are both different and similar (if writing on #1, you can't write on this topic).

4. If President Bush (George W.) were alive in ancient Greece (as an Athenian or as a Spartan), would he more likely be successful as an Athenian or a Spartan? Make sure you answer why and why not.