Gorgon's head on a silver coin
used with permission
Classics 215:


Fall 2004

The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

Topics for "Final" Papers, i.e. Papers # 6 & #7

Due  on  Monday, Dec. 13 at 10:30 a.m.

Directions: Choose from the following topics (always cite correctly and sufficiently):

1. From the point of view of a book and movie critic, compare and critique the scenes in the Odyssey and the movie involving the Cyclops. In your conclusion give a thumbs up or down (note--if you write on this topic, you may not also write on #2) (note2--your are comparing scenes, not individual characters per se).

2. Evaluate how well the song "I am a man of constant sorrow" by the Soggy Bottom Boys 
(click here) mirrors the slice of Odysseus' life as given in scene in the Odyssey involving the Cyclops (note--if you write on this topic, you may not also write on #2).

3. In the Odyssey 6.175-178 (Powell 4th edit, 587) Odysseus describes the ideal marriage to Nausicaa when he first meets her. Evaluate Everett and Penny's relationship based on that quote.
Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.* (longer version: first evaluate Odysseus & Penelope's relationship and Everett & Penny's relationship based on the quote, then compare and contrast your results for both relationships. Finally what conclusions can you draw?)

4. What scene/scenes in the Odyssey are most like the scene involving Pete's relatives in the movie. Significance? Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.* (shorter version only)

5. Hospitality (xenia) is a key theme in the Odyssey. Pick one or two scenes from the movie and show how the hospitality in the movie is both similar and different from that as expressed in the movie. Significance?
Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.* (note: if writing on #1 or #2, don't use the Cyclops' meal scenes from the movie) (longer version: pick two or more scenes from the movie).

6. Using the Cyclops scene in the Odyssey as your evidence for Odysseus, determine and demonstrate how successful Odysseus would have been in Everett's place.
Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.* (if you write about the Cyclops' scenes in the other paper, don't use those scenes here)

*If you wish, you may use a text of the Odyssey or the following internet translation (click here) or the script of the movie (click here)
Citing: Print version: Standard bibliography at the end of the work; book and line numbers at the end of sentences, i.e. (Bk 1, 113-135).