Review Sheet: Post-Classical Ages

Rowdies, Rogues, and Robbers (Kebric, Ch 7 & class notes)

Philip II (382-336) & the Rise of Macedon (Pomeroy, Ch 10)

Alexander III (the Great) (356-323) (Pomeroy, Ch 11)

Food and Drink in Ancient Greece Possible Essay Questions

Religion: Is the role of the gods in the movie more like that of Thucydides' or that of Herodotus' approach? Discuss. Significance? As usual, use only the movie and the passages we read from Thucydides and Herodotus as your evidence.

"Survivor: Ancient Greece" on the "History" channel. Determine, based on the evidence and the criterion below, who would win and who not and why.
Contestants: Socrates, Philip II, Alexander the Great, and "Achilles" (from the movie)
Evidence: Plato's Apology, Pomeroy on Philip and Alexander, the movie for "Achilles"
Criterion: who made the most significant and/or pervasive contribution to modern Western society?

"CSI: Ancient Greece: Casting has begun for the show. What parts/roles would you assign to Socrates, Philip II, Alexander the Great, and one individual from the movie and why? Pay attention, as usual, to the character of these individuals.