Take-home Option for Exam II

Section A: due 9:25 a.m.
Section B: due 2:00 p.m. 
(in both paper and electronic form)

    Option 1: write two 600-900 word essays on two of the topics given below
    Option 2: write one 1200-1800 word essay on one of the topics given below


1. The importance of working together and of striving for individual fame are two key values that we have seen throughout the semester. Examine how do the Athenian system and the Spartan system attempt to incorporate both these values and how similar/different are their approaches.

2. Compare and contrast male Spartan society with that of male society today. Limit your discussion to the first thirty years of life (i.e. from birth to age 30). In your conclusion speculate on the significance of the key similarities/differences you have found.

3. Compare and contrast the events and purpose of the Olympic Games then and now. If you wish, include Phayllus of Croton and his significance in your discussion.
Extra directions:
1. If you wrote on the aspect of religion in the Olympic games in your paper #2, exclude religion in your discussion. Here is the link to the official modern Olympics web site (click here).

2. If you did not write on religion ... in your paper #2 make sure you also look at the video clip of the opening of the 2004 Games in Athens (click here--and scroll down a bit for the link; internet explorer only, I think) and discuss at some point.

  Citations (i.e. indicating the sources of the information)--at the end of sentences and: