Topics for Papers

Paper #5 topic
Directions: Write on the following topic: Assuming the Socrates of Plato's Apology and the main characters from Kebric, Ch. 7 were on Survivor, which one would be most likely to be "voted off the island"? In coming to your conclusion make sure you pay sufficient insight into the character of the individual you "vote off". As always, cite sources of information in addition to sources of quotes.


Paper #6 topic

Directions: Write on one of the following two topics:

1. Compare and contrast the Achilles in the movie Troy with Alexander the Great (use only Pomeroy, Chapter 10 (264ff) & 11 as your source for Alexander). Significance? As always, cite sources of information in addition to sources of quotes.

2. Evaluate how heroic the Achilles in the movie Troy was, based on the Homeric concept of a hero (see notes from the beginning of the semester for the Homeric concept of a hero see announcement in ANGEL).
Significance? As always, cite sources of information in addition to sources of quotes.