Take-home Option for Exam I

Due at end of class,
(in both paper and electronic form)

Option 1: write 3 600-900 word essays on the topics given below
Option 2: write 2 900-1200 word essay on two of the topics given below.

1. Some of the myths we have studied seem to agree with Malinowski's theory and some do not (in fact they seem to agree more with Hecataeus). Why? In your answer focus on one creation myth, one male deity myth, and one trickster myth.

2. While myths may often tell us much about the parameters of a society, and in particular about how fathers should relate to their children. Discuss for three different cultures, making sure you choose myths from the three different categories we have discussed so far (i.e. creation myths, male divine, tricksters).

3. Compare and contrast the "trickster" Hermes (Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Powell, Ch 7) with that of Loki and at least one other trickster (one can discuss the serpent in the Hebrew myth). Make sure you also discuss the implications of the success or failure of the trickster.