Take-home Option for Exam 3

Due at the end of class,
(in both paper and electronic form)

Option 1: write  one 1200-1500 word essay on one of the topics given below
Option 2: write two 600-900 word essays on two of the topics given below (but make sure you cover different heroes in your essays, as much as possible).
NB: Make sure you give specific concrete examples from the stories to back up your conclusions; for citing, give the author, page and line numbers where applicable as per paper #4.
1. Based on character (as opposed to particular heroic deeds), which of these 4 Greek heroes--Perseus, Heracles, Theseus, Jason--is most like Disney's Hercules and which least like? Restrict your information on these heroes to the material given in Powell. [if doing 2 essays, make sure you cover different heroes in your essays as much as possible] For the movie, either use your memory or the script (click here)

2. Describe how well (or poorly) 2 of the following heroes fit into the Jung/Campbell heroic myth theory--Gilgamesh, Perseus, Heracles, Theseus, Jason, Disney's Hercules. Restrict your information on these heroes to the material given in Powell and the movie for Disney's Hercules. [if doing 2 essays, make sure you cover different heroes in your essays as much as possible] For the movie, either use your memory or the script (click here)

3. Compare and contrast Disney's Hercules with Heracles, based on the movie and the material on Heracles given in Powell. Keep in mind that a good essay is not simply a list of things, e.g. Hercules' first heroic deed was against Nessus whereas Heracles killed Nessus quite late in Heracles' life, but should instead focus on similarities and differences that are 'meaningful' or 'significant' or 'insightful'. [if doing 2 essays, make sure you cover different heroes in your essays as much as possible] For the movie, either use your memory or the script (click here)