Take-home Option for Exam 4

Due at the end of class,
(in both paper and electronic form)

Option 1: write  one 1200-1500 word essay on one of the topics given below
Option 2: write two 600-900 word essays on two of the topics given below (but make sure you cover different heroes in your essays, as much as possible).
NB: Make sure you give specific concrete examples from the stories to back up your conclusions; for citing, give the author, page and line numbers where applicable.

1.  As the two quotes from the beginning and the end of the movie illustrate, the movie also highlights the roles of fate and free will in determining actions and results. Examine whether the movie reaches conclusions about both that are similar to those of Homer as evidenced in Powell, Chapters 19 and 21.

Near the beginning of the movie, the blind man says:
Near the end, the sheriff near the end of the movie says:
  ... But fear not the obstacles 
in your path, for Fate has vouchsafed
your reward. And though the road
may wind, and yea, your hearts grow
weary, still shall ye foller the
way, even unto your salvation.
You have eluded fate - and eluded me - 
for the last time. Tie their hands,

movie script: (click here)

2. Examine the role that food plays in the Polyphemus episode from the Odyssey in Powell's text and in the first episode in the movie with Big Dan T.

3. Compare and contrast the episodes in both the movie and in Powell that feature the Cyclops (Polyphemus in the Odyssey, Big Dan T in the 2 scenes in the movie). Also answer how the movie plays off the audience expectations based on the what happens in the Odyssey.

4. It is clear that Everett is the "hero" of the movie, but he is a very different type of hero than Odysseus or Achilles. Discuss.