Take-home Option for
Exam 4
Optional Paper 7
at the beginning of the final time,
Thursday, December 18 at 3:00 pm,
both paper and electronic form)
Option 1: write two 600-1000ish word
on two of the topics given below
Option 2: write one 1200-1500ish
on one of the topics given below.
Optional Paper 7: chose one of
the topics below and write a 600-100ish word essay (note: if you do
optional paper 7, then you can't reuse paper 7's topic for exam 4)
- e-mail a
copy to me (victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu)
- bring a paper
copy to my office or the classroom
- length: see options above
- citing: Powell--use page number
for his comments; use his citation format when citing from Greek source
material--typically indented and italized in Powell's text, along with
his page numbers. Movie--see
directions for paper 4.
- bibliography: as per papers
but put the bibliography at the end of a page instead of a
separate page, if there is room.
- for more
information about the format
and about
the writing intensive requirements, click
1. Examine the role that religion (or
the divine) played in the movie and
in the Iliad and the Odyssey (restricting your evidence to what
given in Powell's book, chapters 19-21; you may include selections from
the plays given in Powell's chapters 19-21).
2. In both the movie and the Odyssey, song played a critical
role in the "return" of the hero. Discuss. Restrict your evidence for
the Odyssey to the chapters
in Powell's book which we have covered in this unit, i.e. 19-21.
As if you were a movie critic for a
major new paper, write a review piece is over the use of song in both
movies we watched in class.
4. We have seen that xenia is a key
societal relationship for the Greeks; evaluate how the xenia exhibited
in the movie compares to that of the Odyssey
(and Iliad, if you wish). Restrict your evidence for the Odyssey to the chapters in Powell's
book which we have covered in this unit, i.e. 19-21.
5. Throughout the semester we have examined what various myths can
reveal about the male/female relationships of given cultures. Thus,
what does the movie and the material in Powell's chapters 19-21 reveal
about how the male/female relationship in American society is
similar/different from that of ancient Greek society?