Review Sheet: End of Classical to Hellenistic

The Apology of Plato (427-348 B.C.); Socrates (469-399 B.C.)

Rowdies, Rogues, and Robbers (Kebric, Ch 7 & Pomeroy, 235-238)

Alexander III (the Great) (356-323) (Pomeroy, Ch 11)
Hellenistic Age (323-146) (Pomeroy, Ch 12)
Food and Drink in Ancient Greece (handout) Possible Essay Questions

Women: As a movie critic, evaluate how accurately the movie portrays 2-3 of the following the women (Helen, Andromache, Briseis, Thetis). Use as your benchmark the women in Kebric's chapter 7.

Religion: Is the role of the gods in the movie more like that of Thucydides' or that of Herodotus' approach? Discuss. Significance? As usual, use only the movie and the passages we read from Thucydides and Herodotus as your evidence.

"CSI: Ancient Greece" or "Heroes: Ancient Greece:" Casting has begun for the show. What parts/roles would you assign to Socrates and why? To any two individual from the movie and why (or to one individual from the movie and Alexander the Great)? Pay attention to the character of these individuals in determining what role/part each would have. For Socrates, use only the Apology, for Alexander the Great use only Pomeroy or Kebric (but I didn't ask you to read the section in Kebric). For the movie, use solely the movie (or the script available on-line from here or here).

Time Portal: Based solely on the character of these individuals (as evidenced in our readings/the movie only), whom would want to visit the past as? Whom not? (same people to chose from as CSI above and same restrictions for evidence).