Topics for Paper 6
  • electronic copy: e-mail me at; the name of your attached file should be:
  • F09-227A-P6-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F09-227A-P6-Smith, Joan) or
  • F09-227B-P6-Last Name, First Name (e.g. F09-227B-P6-Doe, John)
  • paper copy: bring to exam or drop by my office
  • length: 600-1000ish
  • sources:
  • ancient: see below
  • modern (if any): see below.
  • citing reminders:
  • you must cite your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • for print sources one must include specific page numbers
  • for the movie script, just give (Troy, script) and make sure your bibliography entry is correct
  • when citing Kebric's book Greek People, give Kebric and the page number, e.g.  (Kebric, 66).
  • if Kebric is using an ancient source, indicate this either in the main body of your text or at the end of the sentence, e.g. (Pindar, Kebric, 69).
  • bibliography reminders:
  • at end of paper not on a separate sheet
  • only include entries for what you used in your paper
  • make sure the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • make sure that you use hanging indents for the bibliography
  • writing intensive:
  • don't forget to turn in the draft copy with my or the Writing labs' comments on it for it to count towards your revised paper total (and don't forget to make the revisions!)
  • print this out and bring this to your writing lab conference and have the tutor sign here: ______________________________________
  • for more information, click here
  • Write on one of the topics below:
    Women: As a movie critic, evaluate how accurately the movie portrays 2-3 of the following the women (Helen, Andromache, Briseis, Thetis). Use as your benchmark the women in Kebric's chapter 7.

    Religion: Is the role of the gods in the movie more like that of Thucydides' or that of Herodotus' approach? Discuss. Significance? As usual, use only the movie and the passages we read from Thucydides and Herodotus as your evidence.

    "CSI: Ancient Greece" or "Heroes: Ancient Greece:" Casting has begun for the show. What parts/roles would you assign to Socrates and why? To any two individual from the movie and why (or to one individual from the movie and Alexander the Great)? Pay attention to the character of these individuals in determining what role/part each would have. For Socrates, use only the Apology, for Alexander the Great use only Pomeroy or Kebric (but I didn't ask you to read the section in Kebric). For the movie, use solely the movie (or the script available on-line from here or here).

    Time Portal: Based solely on the character of these individuals (as evidenced in our readings/the movie only), whom would want to visit the past as? Whom not? (same people to chose from as CSI above and same restrictions for evidence).