Heroic Myths: Possible Essay Questions:

1. What scene/scenes in the epic are most like the conversion scene in the movie and why? What is the significance of the connection, if any? Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.

2. In both the movie and the epic, song plays a pivotal role. Compare and contrast the contents and role of the following songs in both the movie and the epic:
a. the song "I am a man of constant sorrow" by the Soggy Bottom Boys in the movie (lyrics click here) (youtube video with clips from movie: click here)
b. Odysseus' "song" , i.e. Odysseus' recounting of his travels to the Phaeacians (Powell, 564-579, 6th edition)

3. The Coen brothers have a blind "prophet" appear early in the movie and proclaim a prophecy. How is the prophecy (and its effect) similar yet different from the prophecies that we have seen in Greek legends (e.g. Jason, Perseus, Oedipus)?

4. Certain female roles are significantly different in the movie in comparison to the epic, e.g. the Sirens in the movie are a combination of Circe and the Sirens in the epic. Discuss why, in the movie, Calypso has been left out and why Penny doesn't want Odysseus back (till much later) whereas Calypso is in the epic and Penelope always wants Odysseus back. Use class discussion and Powell for the Odyssey.