F10-CLA 215: Topics for Paper 1
Check-list Directions:
  • _____electronic copy: e-mailed to me at victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu);
  • _____the name of your attached file should be: F10-215-P1-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F10-215-P1-Smith, Joan)
  • _____paper copy: bring to class
  • _____length: 600-1000ish
  • _____sources as indicated in the topics
  • citing:
  • _____have cited your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • _____included author and specific page numbers when citing from books
  • _____included author and paragraph numbers when citing from web sources.
  • _____ every main body paragraph has citations
  • bibliography:
  • _____ at the end of the paper and not on a separte sheet
  • _____only included entries for what you used in your paper
  • _____the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • _____used hanging indents for the bibliography
  • _____used MLA 7th edition or APA 6th edition or Chicago Manual of Style
  • writing intensive, if conferenced with writing lab:
  • writing lab tutor signature: ______________________________________________
  • Write on one of the topics below:

    1. We recently covered in class how myths share some similarities with science (explaining how/where/what things come from), with history, and with "social contracts." In your essay, examine how two of the ancient creation myths (of everything, not of humans) can be seen as "good science" for the time/place the myth is from.

    2. For the Sumerian/Mesopotamian/Hittite (Powell) and Mayan (Leonard & McClure) creation stories (excluding human creation) discussion points of similarity or difference that seem significant and, in your conclusion, detail what this may tell us about their cultures and/or humanity in general.