F10-CLA 215: Topics for Paper 2
Check-list Directions:
  • _____electronic copy: e-mailed to me at victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu);
  • _____the name of your attached file should be: F10-215-P2-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F10-215-P2-Smith, Joan)
  • _____paper copy: bring to class
  • _____length: 600-1000ish
  • _____sources as indicated in the topics
  • citing:
  • _____have cited your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • _____included author and specific page numbers when citing from books
  • _____included author and paragraph numbers when citing from web sources.
  • _____ every main body paragraph has citations
  • bibliography:
  • _____ at the end of the paper and not on a separate sheet
  • _____only included entries for what you used in your paper
  • _____the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • _____used hanging indents for the bibliography
  • _____used MLA 7th edition or APA 6th edition or Chicago Manual of Style
  • writing intensive, if conferenced with writing lab:
  • writing lab tutor signature: ______________________________________________
  • Write on one of the topics below:

    1. We recently covered in class (Oct 14th) several ways that the Greeks "reinterpreted" their own myths. Apply Euhemerus' approach to the myth contained in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Your introduction should succinctly include who Euhemerus was and what his theory is (don't forget to cite). The main body should be the application of the theory. In your conclusion evaluate how well Euhemerus' approach works for this particular myth.

    We recently covered in class (Oct 14th) several ways that the Greeks "reinterpreted" their own myths. Apply Euhemerus' approach to the myth contained in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo. Your introduction should succinctly include who Euhemerus was and what his theory is (don't forget to cite). The main body should be the application of the theory. In your conclusion evaluate how well Euhemerus' approach works for this particular myth.

    3. We recently covered in class
    (Oct 14th) several ways that the Greeks "reinterpreted" their own myths. Rewrite the myth contained in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes based on Euhemerus' approach (make sure you cover the important parts of the myth--you will have to be succinct to get this all in). Where appropriate add quotes from the actual Homeric Hymn--cite using the line numbers that Powell provides. Add a paragraph at the end evaluating how well Euhemerus' approach worked.