F10-CLA 215: Topics for Paper 4
Check-list Directions:
  • _____electronic copy: e-mailed to me at victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu);
  • _____the name of your attached file should be: F10-215-P4-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F10-215-P4-Smith, Joan)
  • _____paper copy: bring to class
  • _____length: 600-1000ish
  • _____only use the sources as indicated in the topics below
  • citing:
  • _____have cited your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • _____ every main body paragraph should have citations
  • _____ see the pdf's in Moodle on how to cite class lectures (all three guides have specific directions for this)
  • _____ included author and specific page numbers when citing from books, but
  • _____ for this paper, rather than citing the page number in Powell or Trzaskoma, cite the ancient author, the ancient work, and the line numbers, e.g. if you quoted the following: "For Hieron son od Deinomenes, from Syracuse, victor in the horserace at the Olympic games" your citation should look like this: (Bacchylides, Ode 5.1-2). If you need to make it clear where the translation is coming from add either Powell or Trzaskoma, e.g. (Bacchylides, Ode 5.1-2 in Trzaskoma).
  • bibliography:
  • _____ at the end of the paper and not on a separate sheet
  • _____only included entries for what you used in your paper
  • _____the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • _____used hanging indents for the bibliography
  • _____used MLA 7th edition or APA 6th edition or Chicago Manual of Style
  • writing intensive, if conferenced with writing lab:
  • writing lab tutor signature: ______________________________________________
  • Write on one of the topics below:

    1. We recently covered in class the Heroic Code. After a careful reading of the selection from Bacchylides' Ode 5 in Trzaskoma (part of the Ode is in Powell, pp 498-500), evaluate the various ways that the Heroic Code is important to the poem (or to the lives of the individuals mentioned in the poem). Your introduction should succinctly state what the Heroic Code was (don't forget to cite). For this paper it is important that you cite (and sometimes quote) concrete lines from the peom.

    After a careful reading of the selection from Ovid's Ars Amatoria 3.685-746 (pp. 392-393) and Catullus' 64 76-120 & 52-70 (pp 428-429) in Powell's text, compare and contrast these two poets' views on women. In your conclusion answer whether their views are similar to or different from what we hae seen to date. For this paper it is important that you cite (and sometimes quote) concrete lines from both works.

    3. After a careful reading of the selection from Ovid's Ars Amatoria 3.685-746 (pp. 392-393) and Catullus' 64 76-120 & 52-70 (pp 428-429) in Powell's text, compare and contrast how these two poets create the mood of their respective vignettes. For this paper it is important that you cite (and sometimes quote) concrete words and lines from both works.