 Check-list Directions:
  • _____electronic copy: e-mailed to me at victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu
  • _____the name of your attached file should be: F10-101N-M1-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F10-101N-M1-Smith, Joan)
  • _____paper copies: bring to class (1 copy should be double spaced; 1 should be single spaced)
  • _____length: 600-1000ish
  • _____sources as indicated in the topics
  • citing:
  • _____have cited your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • _____included author and specific page numbers when citing from books
  • _____ every main body paragraph has citations
  • bibliography:
  • _____ at the end of the paper and not on a separte sheet
  • _____the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • _____used hanging indents for the bibliography
  • _____used MLA 7th edit or APA 6th edit or Chicago Manual of Style (see pdfs in Moodle)
  • Write on one of the following topic (restrict your evidence about ancient Rome to our textbooks):

     1) Compare and contrast your typically morning routine with that of a Roman (of the same sex). What conclusions can you draw about your society and Roman society based on these similarities and differences? You may also discuss how do the different views on time relate. Make sure you give specific examples to back up your theses.

    2) What similarities can you find in your own society (or in what you have experienced of "college society" so far) to the Roman patron/client system or the Roman administration of justice? What conclusions can you draw based on these? Make sure you give specific examples to back up your theses.