![]() Otacilia Severa, wife of Emperor Philip I, "the Arab." Coin dated 247/248 AD image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, |
Beginning Latin I Fall 2011 |
![]() games for Rome's 1000th birthday and the new Saeculum,about 110 years in length image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, |
Dr. Victor A. Leuci
Newnham Hall 37
Home (573) 815-9333 (not after 10:00 pm)
e-mail: victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu
Web site: www2.westminster-mo.edu/wc_users/homepages/faculty/leuciv/index.html
Office Hours: (Aug 24 to Dec 9, 2011) MW 9ish to 9:40 am (NH37), Tu 9:20-9:45 am (CSC 306) and by appointment.
Link to bio
M. Balme and J. Morwood, Oxford Latin Course, Part I, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ Pr (ISBN: 0195212037) 1996 M. Balme and J. Morwood, Oxford Latin Course, Part II, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ Pr (ISBN: 0195212053) 1996 Recommended: Norma W. Goldman, English Grammar for Students of Latin, 3rd ed., The Olivia and Hill Press, Ann Arbor, MI, (ISBN13: 9780934034340) 2004
Highly Recommended: some sort of Latin dictionary
Web resources: http://www.umsl.edu/~phillips/oldrills/index.html (good source for drills) http://artemis.austincollege.edu/acad/cml/rcape/latin/index.html
http://www.nd.edu/~archives/latgramm.htm (an on-line dictionary) http://www.cornellcollege.edu/classical_studies/latin/latin-links.shtml (good listing of links) http://www.presenceofmind.net/Latin/study.html (study guides & vocab sheets as downloadable pdf's) http://www.prolatein.de/latinnews.html (links here for two sites that have current news in Latin)
Podcasts via iTunes: Nuntii Latini / YLE Radio 1 or Radio Bremen: Nuntii Latini: summaries of world news/events in Latin (the first from Finland, the second from Germany)
Honor Code:
All students and faculty must adhere to the Honor
Code; please see the Student Life Handbook for the full
description of the Honor Code--p. 21 in the Student Life Handbook
gives a short definition: "No Westminster student shall commit any act
of academic dishonesty in order to advance her or his own academic
performance, or to impede or advance the academic progress of others,"
but the sections on plagiarism and cheating are especially important
(see Homor Commission Constitution, Article IX).
Attendance: Regular attendance and participation are essential for the success of the class. More than 3 unexcused absences will be considered excessive, and no make-up work will be accepted for unexcused absences. Note that each unexcused absence past 3 will result in a 4 point deduction from your overall grade.
Assignments: The assignments, however, will be adjusted to needs of the
class--we will not rush ahead simply to stay in line with the syllabus.
I will announce in advance any changes in the assignments as they
become necessary.
Unit I: Chapter 1-8 (click
for due dates)
Unit II: Chapters 9-12 (click here for due dates)
Unit III: Chapters 13-16 (click here for due dates)