Take-home Option for Exam I

(in both paper and electronic form)

Directions: From the topics given below, write three 600-1000 word essays (NB: Make sure that you state your thesis clearly and back it up with pertinent facts.).

1) Religion. How has religion undergone a transformation from the time of the Minoans and Mycenaeans to the end of the Archaic Age? Aspects to focus on are 1) who is worshipped & where, & significance thereof; 2) how the relationship between the immortals and mortals had changed with regard to the concept of justice.

2) Politics. Trace the development of the governmental structure from the Mycenaean Age to the end of the Archaic Age, making sure you cover the structure in Homeric society, the definition of the polis, the role of tyrants (use Polycrates as an example). You should also present some of the reasons why the governmental structure changed.

3) East/West. The relationship between the "East" and Greece played a significant role in the shaping and development of Greece throughout antiquity. What are the ways which we have seen of this to date, focusing on the Mycenaean and Archaic Ages (for the purpose of this topic, consider Minoan as "Eastern")?

4) Society. How has the position of women changed from the time of the Minoans to the end of the Archaic Age? For the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations you will need to use their art and/or their religion. Be sure to give examples from the Iliad and the Odyssey in your evaluation of the Dark Age society and examples from some of the Archaic Age poets covered this semester (Archilochus, Alcaeus, Mimnermus, Ibycus, Anacreon, and Sappho).