Overview for Archaic Age (750-480 BC): [completed version] Archaic Age Art and Architecture


Athens (Isonomia) Possible Essay Topics:
1) Politeia. By the time of the Persian Wars, Sparta and Athens were the two dominant cities in Greece. They each were representative of the two ideals of Greek government (eunomia and isonomia). For either Sparta or Athens, trace the development of its politeia, beginning with the Dark Ages and ending with the Persian Wars. In your essay give prominence to the important stimuli that shaped its politeia and what their effects on it were. Also make sure you give a brief but complete definition of what a politeia is.

2) The Archaic Age: The Archaic Age was marked not only by a dramatic increase in population in Greece as a whole, but by a dramatic change or adaption of almost every aspect of Greek civilization. We have also seen how each aspect had a significant impact on the development of othe  aspects. In your essay either a) outline the key developments in either Colonization or Warfare and delineate how these developments affected other aspects of Greek  civilization or b) discuss the role the relationship between the East and Greece played in shaping and developing Greek civilization (areas you may wish to cover are religion, literacy, the polis, and/or art).

Take-home Option: Write three 650-1000 word essays on three of the topics given below(don't forget to post a copy as well as turn in a paper copy).
 1) The Orientalizing Period: It is now generally recognized by Greek historians that the relationship between the East and Greece played a significant role in the shaping and development of Greece during the Archaic Age. Discuss. Areas you may wish to cover are religion, literacy, the polis, and art.

2) The Archaic Age: The Archaic Age was marked not only by a dramatic increase in population in Greece as a whole, but by a dramatic change or adaption of almost every aspect of Greek civilization. We have also seen how each aspect had a significant impact on the development of othe  aspects. In your essay outline the key developments in Colonization or Warfare and delineate how these developments affected other aspects of Greek  civilization.

3) Spartan Politeia: By the time of the Persian Wars, Sparta and Athens were the two dominant cities in Greece. They each were representative of the two ideals of Greek government (eunomia and isonomia). In your essay trace the development of the Spartan politeia, beginning with the Dark Ages and ending with the Persian Wars. In your essay give prominence to the important stimuli that shaped the Spartan politeia and what their effects were on the politeia. Also make sure you give a brief but complete definition of what a politeia is.

4) Athenian Politeia: By the time of the Persian Wars, Sparta and Athens were the two dominant cities in Greece. They each were representative of the two ideals of Greek government (eunomia and isonomia). In your essay trace the development of either the Athenian politeia, beginning with the Dark Ages and ending with the Persian Wars. In your essay give prominence to the important stimuli that shaped the Athenian politeia and what their effects were on the politeia. If you did not answer number 1), make sure you give a brief but complete definition of what a politeia is.