Review Sheet: Greek Civilization
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Unit II: Archaic Greece
Unit III: Classical Greece
Unit IV: Post-Classical Greece

Unit I: Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dark Age, and Homer

    The Minoans
    1. Where did they come from and roughly when?
    2. What are the four main periods of the Minoan Bronze Age?
    3. What are the hallmarks of the four different periods? How did they end?
    4. What are the palaces like?
      1. their function,
      2. the purposes of the central courtyard,
      3. who lived there,
      4. amenities, etc.
    5. What is the Minoan religion thought to be like?
      1. whom did they worship,
      2. where did they worship,
      3. importance of animals?
    6. What type of writing system did they have?
    7. What is their art like? Themes, use of color, etc.
    8. What status do women have?
    The Mycenaeans
    1. What are the three main periods of the Mycenaean Bronze Age? The subperiods of the Mycenaean age?
    2. What are the hallmarks of the different periods? How did they end?
    3. What are the palaces like?
      1. their function,
      2. the purposes of the megaron,
      3. who lived there,
      4. amenities, etc.
    4. What is the Mycenaean religion thought to be like?
      1. whom did they worship,
      2. where did they worship,
      3. importance of animals?
    5. What type of writing system did they have?
    6. What do we know about their society from their written remains?
      1. their political system
      2. their social system
      3. their religion
    7. What is their art like? Themes, use of color, etc.
    8. How did the Mycenaean age end? What are some of the various theories and their supporting facts?
    9. What status do women have?
    The Dark Age
    1. When is the Greek Dark Age?
    2. What are the hallmarks of the age?
    3. What is the architecture like?
    4. What does the architecture reveal about this time period?
    5. What is their art like? Themes, etc.
    6. What is the political structure like prior to Homer?
    7. What is the social structure like prior to Homer?
    8. What is the religion/religious structure like prior to Homer?
    9. What status do women have?
    10. What do these terms refer to: basileus, genos, oikos, xenia, boule, hetairoi, feasting, oral poetry, thes,polis, time , arete, and kleos

    The Iliad and the Odyssey

Possible Essay Topics:

For Previous Exams, go to the discussion folder for our class.

Unit III: The Classical Age

For Previous Exams, go to the discussion folder for our class.

Unit IV: The Post-Classical Age

For Previous Exams, go to the discussion folder for our class.