Take-home Option for Exam II

Due Thursday, March 1
(in both paper and electronic form)

Directions: Write three 600-1000 word essays. Choose from the topics given below.

1. From an evaluation of the evidence we have examined in Shelton, Chapters II, III, and XIII, develop a reasoned conclusion about the extent to which a woman had control over herself with regard to either 1) her childhood up to her first day as wife or 2) her life as wife, mother, and widow. Make sure you consider all the evidence, both that which may agree with your conclusion and that which may not.

2. From an evaluation of the evidence we have examined in Shelton, Chapters II, III, and XIII, develop a reasoned conclusion about the extent to which husbands loved (in our sense of the word) their wives. Make sure you consider all the evidence, both that which may agree with your conclusion and that which may not.

3. From an evaluation of the evidence we have examined in Shelton, Chapters II, III, and XIII and in Kebric, Chaper 4, develop a reasoned conclusion about what the fundamental difference between "good" women and "bad" women, as the Romans labelled them, is. Make sure you consider all the evidence.

4. From an evaluation of the evidence we have examined in class and in our readings, determine what are the key ways in which the Roman state changed politically from 49 BC to AD 69? Also consider if there is a fundamental trend observable and what would it's logically conclusion be?