Take-home Option for Exam I

Due Tuesday, February 6
(in both paper and electronic form)

Directions: Write three 600-1000 word essays. Choose from the topics given below.

1. Freedpersons: Use Shelton #218 & 233 as a springboard for a discussion of freedpersons.  As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples, especially from the passage, to back up your conclusions.

2. Slavery: How is the story about Eunus and the Sicilian slave revolt and the revolt of Spartacus reflective of what slavery was like in the Roman world? As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples to back up your conclusions.

3. Religion: Use Shelton #420 & 421 as a springboard for a discussion of Roman religion. As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples, especially from the passages, to back up your conclusions.

4. Religion: Use the stories about Eunus and the Sicilian slave revolt and the revolt of Spartacuc as a springboard for a discussion of Roman religion. As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples, especially from these revolts, to back up your conclusions.