Long Essay
Due Thursday, April 27

Directions: Write 1750-2450 word essay on one of the topics below (do not forget to post your essay in the folder "Submit papers here" in addition to bringing a paper copy to class).

1. Women: How is the place, opportunites, etc. of women in the Roman World similar to and different from those of women today? Did the place, opportunites, etc. of women in the Roman World change over time? In your discussion make sure you give pertinent examples from the lives of actual women from the Roman World. You may include fictional woman to stress perceptions about women back then. It may also be helpful to keep in mind the nature of the evidence for the individuals you discuss, e.g. was there a clear bias for or against the individual? When you compare then to now make sure you specify where in the world today you are taking your examples from.

2. Daily Life: Compare and contrast one or more aspects of daily life then with that of today (make sure you specify where today). Some of the aspects we have considered include entertainment, food & drink, work, housing, the family, old age, education, and religion. Make sure you give specific examples.

3. Art as sound bytes: We have noted in class that Roman politicians, especially from the time of Caesar onwards, use various visual media (coins, statues, etc) to convey their messages. In many ways there is a striking similarity between the use of visual media by politicians then and now. Thus, compare and contrast the themes portrayed in this Roman art with those portrayed today either in the campaign ads, or, if you wish, with those portrayed on TV in general. As always make sure you refer to specific examples of art both then and now.

4. Self-designed: If there is a topic that interests you, you will need to do the following: 1) come and talk with me about the topic idea, and 2) by April 18 turn in a one page prospectus over what the topic is, what you expect to find, and what resource(s) you are using.