Review Sheet: Early Rome

Period of the kingship:

Republic--Expansion Roman customs: Roman Forum: Using the web site: The Forum: A clickable reconstruction (URL: know the names, the functions, and one other thing about each of the following: Literature: Possible essay topics:
1. The mos maiorum, the way of the ancestors, with its virtues was very important to the fabric of Roman society. Discuss with relation to some of the stories from Livy and the play by Plautus. Make sure you include specific examples from these stories to illustrate the virtues (or their opposites) you examine.

2. Several of the stories we have covered in class have dealt with women and their position in Roman society. In your essay examine what virtues the Romans considered appropriate to women and what their place in Roman society should be. Be sure to include specific examples from both Livy and Plautus to support your arguments.

3. Several of the stories we have covered in class have given us an angle on understanding the Roman approach to religion. Discuss with relation to some of the stories from Livy and the play by Plautus.In your essay discuss this topic, including specific examples from the stories to support your observations.