Review Sheet for Unit IV
Daily Life and the Empire

I. Daily Life & Old Age (lecture notes, Tingay, Chapters 3, 14, & 15, and Kebric, Chapter 6-7)

II. Religion (Tingay, Chapter 17, Kebric, Chapters 8-9, Mack, Bailkey, and lecture notes) III. From Chaos to Order to Chaos (lecture notes, Tingay, and Kebric; see also Ramage and Ramage on reserve)

Possible Essay Questions:

  1. Life in the empire: Would you have wanted to live in Roman world during the empire? Answer the question:
    1. 1) focusing on at least two of the following topics: old age, entertainment, political/economic system/times.
      2) using the information you have gained from the physical remains (including graffiti) which we have examined from Pompeii, Herculaneum, et al. and, if you wish, from these authors: Juvenal, Petronius, & Pliny.
  2. Art & Architecture: How did the emperors use art and architecture to promote certain key themes? Discuss for Trajan and one or two of the following: the Flavian dynasty, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, the Severan dynasty, and Constantine.
  3. Religion: How is the religious experience/life of a 'typical' Roman, an adherent of a mystery religion/cult, and a Christian alike and different? Answer this question using the information from we have covered since the last exam as your sources (i.e. lecture notes, Tingay, Chapter 17, the first-hand accounts in Kebric, Chapter 9, and the selections in Bailkey and Mack).

Take-home version of the final: Write three 700-1000 word essays on three of the topics given below. (Don't forget to post a copy in addition to turning in a paper copy)

  1. Life in the empireI: Would you have wanted to live in Roman world during the empire? Answer the question focusing on three to four of the following topics: old age, entertainment, political/economic system/times, and art & architecture.
  2. Life in the Empire II: Would you have wanted to live in the Roman world during the empire based on what you know about their daily life? Answer this question using the information you have gained from the authors (Juvenal, Petronius, & Pliny) and from the physical remains (including graffiti) which we have examined from Pompeii, Herculaneum, et al. (if you write on Life in the Empire I, make sure you do not discuss/present the same material )
  3. Art & Architecture: How did the emperors use art (including coins) and architecture to promote key themes of their reigns? Discuss for Septimius Severus (you may include his family as well) and one or two other emperors (or imperial family, i.e. emperor and wife and/or kids).
  4. Religion: How is the religious experience/life of a 'typical' Roman, an adherent of a mystery religion/cult, and a Christian alike and different? Answer this question using the information from we have covered since the last exam as your sources (i.e. lecture notes, Tingay, Chapter 17, the first-hand accounts in Kebric, Chapter 9, and the selections in Bailkey and Mack).