Introduction to Heroic Myth:
Powell, Chapter 12: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 13: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 14: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 15: go to his web site: click here
Powell, Chapter 16: go to his web site: click here
(but only the sections of 15 and 16 which deals with Theseus)
Powell, Chapter 18: go to his web site: click here
Possible Essay Questions:
Short Essay topic: Looking at the myths of the hero Gilgamesh as outlined in Powell, apply a psychological theory (Freudian or Jungian) and the critique how well (or poorly) the theory fits.
Long Essay topics:
1. Heracles and Hercules: Looking at the changes that Disney made to the myth of Heracles, as Powell outlines the myth, discuss why Disney made these changes from the point of view of one of the following: a psychological theory (Freudian or Jungian) or an anthropological theory (Malinowski or Levi-Strauss). (FYI if you would like to read the Hercules' movie's script, click here)

2. Other Heroes: Looking at the myths of two of the following heroes as outlined in Powell (Perseus, Jason, Theseus), either evaluate how the Greek concepts of xenia or the heroic code shaped the actions of the individuals in the myths.