The "Imperatorial" Period (49-31 BC) The Augustan Age (31 BC-AD 14) The Early Empire (AD13-69) Families Marriage Women in the Roman World Possible Essay Questions
  1. Social: The Roman term familia refers to all that are under the authority of the father (pater)--i.e. the wife (sometimes), the sons (plus wives and children, if any), unmarried daughters (and sometimes married), slaves, and clients to some degree. Supporting your conclusions with good citations from the primary evidence in Shelton, answer one of the following questions:
    1. a) How was the treatment of wives by their husbands similar to and different from the treatment of freedpersons? Make sure you note both general patterns and specific exceptions to the patterns (if there are any).

      b) How was the treatment of children by their parents similar to and different from the treatment of freedpersons? Make sure you note both general patterns and specific exceptions to the patterns (if there are any).

  2. Political: Supporting your conclusions with good citations from the primary evidence in Shelton (where possible) and from the secondary evidence in Scarre, Kebric, and class notes, write on one of the following:
    1. a) Compare and contrast Augustus and President Bush with respect to two of the following: foreign policy, domestic policy, emphasis on morals and morality, and use of the media. Just as for Augustus, when discussing President Bush, make sure you give specific examples to illustrate the points you are making.

      b) One of the key reasons that Rome was able to expand from a small village on the bank of the Tiber river to an empire that encircled the Mediterranean sea is that it was able to adapt itself to new circumstances, yet still remain "true" to its traditions. Examine how the Roman political system both adapted and remained "true" to its traditions during the following time period: 49 BC to AD 69.