Topics for Papers

Paper #1 topic


Topic: Based on what you have learned about the city of Rome and life in it, would you have wanted to live in it then? Make sure you give pertinent examples from the primary sources in our readings (Primary sources are the passages that are by Roman sources (the things in quotes or indented in Kebric and the indented passages in Shelton) and are not commentary by Shelton or Kebric).

Paper #2 topic

  • post a copy in "submit papers to this folder" in the Roman Civilization discussion folder
  • bring a paper copy to class on Thursday, Feb. 13
  • length: 600-900
  • for more information about the format and about the writing intensive requirements, click here
  • Write on one of the following topics:
    1. You just got back to school from having about a month off--Dec. 13 to Jan. 15. Assuming that you have been studying abroad in ancient Rome, examine the impact Roman religion would have made on your "winter" break. Make sure you give pertinent examples with citations from the primary sources in our readings (including the web site on the Roman calendar).
    1. Assuming that you have been studying abroad in ancient Rome, examine the impact Roman religion (apart from festivals) would have made on your daily schedule, focusing on the four key elements to Roman cultus deorum: sacrifice, prayer, vow, and divination. Make sure you give pertinent examples with citations from the primary sources in our readings.

    Paper #3 topic
    Directions: Write on one of the topics below:
    1. Compare and contrast childhood during the Roman Empire and with that of today. Make sure you use good examples from the primary evidence in Shelton in Chapters 2 and 13.
    1. Examine the Roman views on "Birth Control" and "Producing a Family" (#27-37) with those of today. Make sure you use good examples from the primary evidence in Shelton.
    Paper #4 topic
    Directions: Write on one of the topics below:
    Paper #5 topic
    Directions: Write on one of the topics below:
    1. Compare and contrast Lucilla, from the movie Gladiator, with Vibia Perpetua. While doing that, also answer what the significance of the similarities and differences are. As always, make sure you give specific examples, especially from the primary evidence, to back up your conclusions.

    2. Compare and contrast the "gladiator" Maximus, from the movie Gladiator, with the gladiators discussed in Shelton (pp 348-358). While doing that, also answer what the significance of the similarities and differences are. As always, make sure you give specific examples, especially from the primary evidence, to back up your conclusions.