Gorgon's head on a silver coin
Classics 215:


Spring 2004

The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

Instructor: Dr. Victor A. Leuci

Texts: Objectives: The purpose of this course is 1) to introduce you to principal myths of Greece, Rome, northern Europe, India, China, the Near East, the Amerindians, and others, and 2) to explore the functions and patterns of myth in various ancient and modern cultures.  An important goal of the course is to develop a critical perspective that will allow you to compare the myths of different groups of people and to perceive the way in which certain mythic patterns seem to be universal in scope and others to be culturally specific.  In essence, everyone in the class should strive to become adept at listening to, reading, telling, and interpreting traditional tales.

Relationship to the General Education Curriculum (Tier II: Artistic Expression and Critical Appreciation Context-course in literature). Mythology is a key backdrop to all Greco-Roman art and literature, as well as the literature, written and oral, of almost all cultures, so the material studied will, by definition, be representative of significant movements and periods, as well as key themes and figures. As stated in the Objectives above one goal of the course is to develop a critical perspective which will involve developing the students’ ability to analyze and discuss the material using key terminology and a variety of approaches. Understanding a society’s mythology is often essential in understanding that society and its concommittant culture since cultures often use myths as a key way of examining the human condition. Thus through this study of mythology, students will explore the relationship between art and society in order to gain insight into cultural aspects of society and develop a perspective that enhances understanding of the human condition. A study of mythology, with the importance of reading parts of significant works of literature and looking at how mythology was a key mover in the arts in general, cannot but help to promote an appreciation of the arts.

Writing Intensive Option:Different types of writing will be part of the course: short papers and exams that are predominately essay (two of which must be the take-home versions). Seven to eight short papers will be assigned as a means to help participants come to a better understanding of important themes, ideas, and concepts. The first short paper will be revised on the basis of a conference with me. Two other short papers must be revised on the basis of conferences with me and with a tutor at the Writing Lab. A critique and conference after the completion of a paper may also occur. In general, participants in the class should highly consider using the services of the Writing Lab and especially the Lab tutors, who can be of tremendous assistance.

Format: The course will consist of both lectures and discussion.  More than three unexcused absences will be considered excessive, and no make-up work will be accepted for unexcused absences.



Short Papers:

Attendance: Regular attendance and participation are essential for the success of the whole class.  More than three unexcused absences will be considered excessive, and no make-up work will be accepted for unexcused absences. Each unexcused absence past three will result in a deduction of 5 points from the total number of points one has at the end of the semester. If you are ill, e-mail me before class, if possible, or as soon as you are able.

Assignments:  The assignments given below are not "set-in-stone," and may vary depending on how each class period goes. The syllabus will be updated as needed.

Unit I: Creation Myths & Divine Myths

Unit II: Divine Myths & Legends (Part 1)

Unit III: Legends (Part 2)