Topic for Paper 6


Write on one of the following topics:
1. Based on the evidence in Kebric & Shelton for chariot racing, evaluate (and then argue) how similar NASCAR is to the Roman chariot racing.

2.  Evaluate (and then argue) how "authentic" the character of Proximo in the movie was based on the evidence in Shelton, Kebric, and/or McManus' web pages (see assignments for links to McManus web pages).

3. Based on the second half of the movie, argue which of these three--Nero, Elagabalus and Caracalla--the Commodus of the movie is most like and which he is least like. [If you did not answer this question from topic 5, you may use both parts of the movie]

4. Based on the second half of the movie, argue which of these three--Turia, Sempronia, Ummidia Quatratilla--the Lucilla of the movie is most like and which she is least like.
[If you did not answer this question from topic 5, you may use both parts of the movie]

Note: check the PDF in the Lesson's Tab in the Course Folder in ANGEL for how to cite, how often to cite, rules for evidence, etc.