Class, here is the review sheet for this year (S05)

General Historical Information
Specific Topics:

Possible Essay Questions to prepare for:

Women & Religion: Pliny's wife Calpurnia was, in many ways, the ideal Roman matron. For Julia Domna (Kebric, Ch 8) and one of the following--Petronia Vitalis (175-6), Zenobia (238-40), Agrippina (245-8)--discuss how, in some ways, they were both like her but also very unlike her. Conclusions?

Imperial System: Similar to today, Iraq (ancient Parthia) was an area that proved to be a constant challenge for the leading "superpower" of the West (then Rome, now the US). How does President Bush's approach compare to the approaches of Septimius Severus and either Trajan or Hadrian. Conclusions? [Note: don't start with a description of each's approach, but organize based on points of comparison/contrast]