Topic for Paper 1


Topic: Assume that you have decided to go on a "back to the past" spring break trip to ancient Rome. Also assume that you have a friend, taking Roman Civ, that isn't so excited about going on the trip--and you want the friend to go. Your task is to persuade your friend to go. Some things to keep in mind:

1 Primary sources are the passages that are by Roman sources (the things in quotes or indented in Kebric and the indented passages in Shelton) and are not commentary by Shelton or Kebric.

2. Citing: give the ancient author (if there is one) in the body of your paper and at the end of the sentence give the modern author and page number
(s) in parentheses, e.g. Martial says "..." (Shelton, 70). or Aelius Aristides describes the various things one can get in Rome, thus " ..." (Kebric, 3). If there is not an ancient author indicate the type of source, e.g. one papyrus letter from a son to his mother says "..." (Kebric, 2-3). If you are unsure whether there is an author or not, Shelton has an appendix that lists the various sources.