at beginning of class
both paper and electronic form)
Directions: Write
either two 600-900 word essays (one on a social topic, the other on
politics) or write one
1200-1800 word essay using one of the topics below. As usual, make sure
you cite correctly and that you back up your conclusions with solid
pieces of evidence.
As the gods are constantly referred
to throughout the movie, in your essay examine whether this is just
Holliwood "filler" or whether it is "accurate" based solely on the
readings in your textbooks for class. Conclusions?
Various motives are given in the
movie for why the gladiatorial games are held--do these motives match
the Roman motives both for the gladiatorial games and for the chariot
races? For evidence use only the movie itself and the selections from
Shelton and Kebric (McManus web site is optional). Conclusions?
Early in the movie, Marcus Aurelius
says to Lucilla, "would that you had been born a man." Examine whether
her actions in the movie reflect the sentiment behind Marcus' statment,
namely that she "acts like a Roman male," or whether her actions are
more in accord with what a "proper" Roman female would do. Conclusions?