Topic for Paper 3


Write on one of the following topics:
1. How is marriage similar to and different from marriage today? Focus on either the bride/wife or the groom/husband. Use Shelton, chapter III for your source material for the Roman World; use your own experience as your "source" material for marriage today (hence no need to cite for today; also "today" can either refer to the U.S. or the your own country, if different from the U.S.).  In your conclusion detail what we can learn from these similarities and differences. As always, make sure you make judicious use of primary source material. You may also consider the nature of that material in your discussion, i.e. biases in the evidence.

2. How are Roman fathers and mothers and children similar to and different from fathers and mothers and children today (Shelton #15-24,43-49)? What can we learn from this? Note: for today either the U.S. or your own country, if different from the U.S.
