General Historical Information Specific Topics:

Possible Essay Questions to prepare for:

Vibia Perpetua and Julia Domna--the one a Christian convert who died a martyr, the other a devotee of Elagabal who had a strong belief in astrology and dreams--both mirror 'challenges' that the Roman state religion was facing at that point. Discuss. Make sure you support your conclusions with good concrete examples solely from the evidence presented in Kebric, Shelton, and the pdf in Moodle on Perpetua

The letters of Pliny the Younger and the graffiti found at Pompeii and Herculaneum provide important sources for what life  was like in the Early Empire. In your essay look at how the graffiti complements and/or contrasts the view presented by Pliny. For Pliny's letters, check the index of Kebric's book for examples in chapters 6-9 and the pdf in Moodle; for the graffiti, see Kebric, Ch. 6 and Shelton, #28, 84-5, 89, 94, 123, 131-133 (note these are the numbers of the evidence, not the page numbers, e.g. #28 is on p25). Make sure you support your conclusions with good concrete examples solely from the evidence presented in Kebric, Shelton, and the pdf.

President Obama's approach to Libya with the approaches of the following emperors--Trajan, Hadrian, and Septimius Severus--to Parthia. Conclusions? [Note 1: don't start with a description of each's approach, but organize your discussion based on points of comparison/contrast. Note 2: restrict your evidence for Trajan, Hadrian, and Septimius Severus to that in your texts and links from the assignments for the unit and class discussion/lecture].