Take-home Option for Exam 1

Due at beginning of class
(in both paper and electronic form)


  • Electronic copy (to victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu): the subject header can be whatever, but the name of your attached file should be:
  • S11-228-E1-Last Name, First Name (e.g. S11-228-E1-Doe, John)
  • Paper copy: bring to class or to my office
  • Length: see below
  • citing reminders:
  • you must cite your sources of information (facts, theories, etc).
  • you must include ancient author, if known, modern author and page number, but see directions for paper 1
  • bibliography reminders:
  • at end of paper not on a separate sheet (if possible)
  • only include entries for what you used in your paper
  • make sure the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • make sure that you use hanging indents for the bibliography

  • Option 1: Write two 600-1000ish word essays on two of the three topics given below:
    Option 2: Write one 1200-1800 word essay on one of the three topics below:

    Slavery: Compare and contrast the attitudes towards and treatment of slaves in Shelton #206, 208, & 220-1; you may also use other passages from our readings as you see fit. As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples to back up your conclusions.

    Freedpersons: The inscriptions written on tombstones form one important source of information about ancient Roman society, and freedpersons in particular. Use Shelton, #236-7,239-241, 242, 244, 246-7, & 250 as a springboard for a discussion of freedpersons; you may also use other passages from our readings as you see fit. . As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples, especially from these passages, to back up your conclusions.  

    Religion: Use the stories about Eunus and the Sicilian slave revolt and the revolt of Spartacuc as a springboard for a discussion of Roman religion. As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples from what has been assigned, especially from these revolts, to back up your conclusions.