The Portfolio

Recommendation: use a three-ring binder with dividers & have a table of contents page.


  1. A letter to Dr. Leuci and the mentor in which you evaluate the quality of your work during the seminar and explain what grade you think your work deserves, on the basis of the following standards: A (excellent work, well above average), B (noticeably above average work), C (average work), D (noticeably less than average work), F (unacceptably lower than average work).
  2. A 350-500 word essay (see topics below)
  3. All papers written for the course, including all drafts.
  4. Class notes and any other reflections on the readings, class presentations, films, and other class activities.
  5. Revising: You may revise your class notes, reflections, papers, i.e. you may revise all of work except for the exam(s)

Topics for the 350-500 essay (choose one):

1. We have examined Roman and modern American* society throughout the semester with regard to "wine, women, & song." With regard to these three areas, is modern American society fundamentally or superficially different from Roman society (Note: feel free to refer to the papers in your portfolio; American*--you may choose another society other than American, but make sure your specify which).

2. A study abroad experience and, to a lesser degree, the study of another culture give one the opportunity to learn more about one's own culture and about oneself. If a study abroad program were available for ancient Rome, do you think that you would have an easy time or a difficult time adjusting to Roman culture? Why? In your response discuss all three aspects we have covered this semester (Note: the use of "I" is appropriate for this topic).

Posting: you must post your final paper and the 350-500 word essay (recall there is a significant deduction for not posting)

Grading: The portfolio will be evaluated on the basis of thoroughness, clarity, organization, and evidence of critical thinking. You will receive a letter from Dr. Leuci and your mentor during the Christmas holidays responding to the portfolio and explaining the letter grade assigned for the course.