Topics for Take-Home Exam and Microthemes

Take-Home Exam


a) 600-900 words long
b) bring 3 paper copies to class
c) e-mail one electronic copy to
d) due 10 a.m., Friday, August 24
Write on the topic below:
Sacks states in his preface that "these then are tales of metamorphosis, brought about by neurological chance, but metamorphosis into alternative states of being, other forms of life, no less human for being so different." For one of these tales (excluding "To See and Not See,") examine his contention above--i.e.  did a metamorphosis (transformation) take place and, if so, what was it. Also answer if the tale was one of hope and why or why not.
Microtheme #1
a) 600-900 words long
b) bring 3 paper copies to class
c) submit one electronic copy to "Submit Papers to this Folder"
d) due 11 a.m., Wednesday, September 5
Write on one of the two topics below: Compare and contrast your typical afternoon routine with that of a Roman (of the same sex--you may choose which class the Roman belonged to), focusing especiallly on the Roman Baths. What conclusions can you draw about your society and Roman society based on these similarities and differences? Make sure you give specific examples to back up your theses and make sure that you cite things correctly. Also, for the Roman material, use 2-3 sources, one of which must be the primary evidence in Shelton.

Microtheme #2

a) 600-900 words long
b) bring 3 paper copies to class
c) submit one electronic copy to "Submit Papers to this Folder"
d) due 11 a.m., Monday, September 24
Write on the topic below: Examine how/whether either 1) the parent/child relationship for a particular gender or 2) fertility issues (as presented in Shelton, #27-40) have undergone a transformation between the time of the early Roman empire and now (American culture or one's own if not American). If you choose #1, make sure you consider carefully all of the evidence from Shelton #15-26 and 36-53 and cite where appropriate . If you choose #2, make sure you consider carefully all of the evidence and/or conclusions from Casson, pp. 14-15 and Shelton, #27-40 and cite where appropriate.