Gorgon's head
Gorgon's head on a silver coin of Naples
permission to use image granted
F11: CLA215, Mythology:
Topics for Take-Home Option 
for Exam 4 & Paper 6
Due at 3pm, Wednesday, Dec. 14

(in both paper and electronic form)

Apollo's head
The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

Option 1: Write two 600-1000ish word essays on two of the four topics given below:
Option 2: Write one 1200-1800 word essay on one of the four topics below:
Optional Paper 6: chose one of the topics below and write a 600-100ish word essay (note: you can't write on the same topic for both paper 6 and the exam!)

Write on one of the topics below:

1. Hospitality is an important theme of both the Odyssey and the movie. Excluding the Cyclops scenes in both, discuss for the Odyssey and the movie. As evidence for the Odyssey use Powell's chapter 22 (7th edition). For option 2 include both Cyclopes' scenes.

2.  "Every hero has a weakness." What are Odysseus' and Everett's weaknesses and how do they play similar roles in both their lives? For evidence, use Powell's chapter 22 (7th edit) and the movie. For option 2 add one other character from the movie and one other hero from chapters 19-22.

3. Compare Penny in the movie with Medea or Clytemnestra in Powell's chapters 19 and 21. For option 2 compare Penny to both Medea and Clytemnestra.

4. Heroic Code: Evaluate Waldrip and Everett by the measure of a true Homeric hero as covered in class. Based on your evaluation who is the greater hero? Make sure you cover the key terms: kleos, arete, time, aidos. For option 2 add two of the following: Jason, Orestes, Agamemnon, Hector, Odysseus (use Powell's text for them).

5. Religion: In what ways does the governor in the movie play a similar role to that of Athena in the Odyssey (Powell, ch 22) or Apollo & Athena in the Oresteia (Powell, ch 21). For option 2 cover both the Odyssey and the Oresteia.

Reminder about using Class Lectures: if/when we covered something in class that is not in the book, you may use class lecture to supplement your evidence from the book--just make sure that it is a supplement, not your main source!