Gorgon's head
Gorgon's head on a silver coin of Naples
permission to use image granted
F11: CLA215, Mythology:
Topics for Paper 1
Apollo's head
The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

  • electronic copy: e-mail me at victor.leuci@westminster-mo.edu); the name of your attached file should be:
  • F11-215-P1-Last Name, First Name  (e.g. F11-215-P1-Smith, Joan)
  • paper copy: bring to class
  • length: 600-1000ish
  • sources:
  • The selections assigned from our two textbooks and the two pdfs.
  • citing reminders:
  • you must cite your sources of information (facts, theories, etc.)
  • textbooks: use author and page number, e.g. (Leonard & McClure, 134)
  • Norse pdf: use the chapter number (4) and the numbers at the beginnings of paragraphs, e.g. (Prose Edda, 4.4)
  • bibliography reminders:
  • at end of paper not on a separate sheet
  • only include entries for what you used in your paper
  • make sure the bibliography is in the same font as your main text
  • make sure that you use hanging indents for the bibliography
  • writing intensive:
  • don't forget to turn in the draft copy with my or the Writing labs' comments on it for it to count towards your revised paper total (and don't forget to make the revisions!)
  • print this out and bring this to your writing lab conference and have the tutor sign here: ______________________________________
  • for more information, click here
  • Write on one of the topics below:

    1. Apply Theagenes' or Frazer's or Malinowski's approach to myth to the Norse creation myth. In your introduction briefly summarize the theory you will be using. In your conclusion discuss how well (or not) his theory works for the Norse myth. Don't forget to cite your source (or sources) for the theory you use.

    2. Apply one of the following Greek approaches (
    Xenophanes', Theagenes', Euhemerus', and Palaephatus') or one of the two modern approaches (Frazer's or Malinoswki's) to the Mayan creation myth. In your introduction briefly summarize the theory you will be using and cite your source (or sources) for the theory you use.

    3. Which of the following Greek approaches (Xenophanes', Theagenes', Euhemerus', and Palaephatus')  or the following two modern approaches (Frazer's or Malinowski's) to myth works best for the Mayan creation myth and why? Which works worst and why? Don't forget to cite your source (or sources) for the two theories you use.