Gorgon's head
Gorgon's head on a silver coin of Naples
permission to use image granted
S12: CLA215, Mythology:
Topics for Paper 3
Apollo's head
The god Apollo on a gold coin of Syracuse
image courtesy of Edgar L. Owen, #3803

Write on one of the topics below:

1)  Sources: The sections of the Disney movie Hercules (or script of movie) dealing with Hercules' baby shower on Olympus and the finding of Hercules by Amphitryon and Alcmena; Shield of Heracles, lines 1-56; and Homer's Iliad, 19.91-133 (Powell 7th edit 377-379).
Compare and contrast the depictions of the two couples (Zeus & Hera, Amphitryon & Alcmena). Keep in mind that the ancient authors used their words to create images of these individuals and their relationships while Disney used both words and visual images to do the same. You should pay close attention to these actual words and visual images. In your conclusion discuss the significance of the changes that Disney made.

Sources: Section of the Disney movie Hercules (or script of movie) relating to Hercules' encounter with the Hydra and Vergil, Aeneid 8.190-269 (Powell 7th edit 396-397).
      Prompt: In what ways is Hercules' encounter with the Hydra in the movie similar to Heracles' encounter with Cacus? In what ways is it different?
Keep in mind that Vergil used words to create images of these individuals, their fight, and the background setting while Disney used both words and visual images to do the same. You should pay close attention to these actual words and visual images. In your conclusion discuss the significance of the changes that Disney made in the depiction of Hercules? (Hint/Suggestion for Disney: think about how Disney's version of a fight scene is different from a fight scene in say, The Immortals or Clash of the Titans).