Since a substantial number of students are interested in careers in the health professions, Westminster College supports a Health Professions Program (HPP) coordinated by Dr. Mike Amspoker. With the support of the College's Medical Professions Advisory Committee, students interested in the health professions have access to career counseling, academic advising and pre-professional experiences intended to prepare them for the additional steps needed for careers in medicine, dentistry, osteopathic medicine and veterinary medicine.
Although most Westminster students preparing for a career in the medical professions major in a natural science, Westminster graduates entering professional schools in recent years include students whose majors were English and history.
Medical, osteopathic, and dental schools usually do not stipulate a specific undergraduate major as a prerequisite for admission but expect a solid background in science such as would be obtained by taking 8 hours in general biology, general physics, general chemistry, and organic chemistry.
Professional schools typically base their admission decisions on the applicant's level of academic achievement, scores on the appropriate admission test, results of personal interviews, recommendations by the applicant's undergraduate professors or the Medical Professions Advisory Committee, and extracurricular activities.
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