Topics for Papers

Paper #1 topic

  • e-mail me a copy (
  • bring a paper copy to class
  • length: 600-1000
  • citing: 
  • from the Iliad or the Odyssey: give the title in italics, the "book," and the line numbers, e.g. Iliad 24.1-24 (i.e. "book" 24, lines 1-24)
  • Mycenaean political structure: use either class notes (Leuci, 09-08-09) and/or the textbook (Pomeroy, page numbers).
  • bibliography (at end of paper not on a separate sheet and only include for what you used in your paper):
  • for the Iliad (substitute Odyssey where appropriate): Homer, the Iliad, translated by Ian Johnston. July 13, 2008. pdf in ANGEL from (accessed Sept 5, 2009). FYI keep the access date as is as it is the date I accessed his translation.
  • Leuci, Class Notes, Sept 9, 2009.
  • textbook: B. Pomeroy, S. M. Burstein, W. Donlan, and J. T. Roberts, A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture, 1st edit., Oxford University Press, 2004
  • writing intensive:
  • don't forget to turn in the draft copy with my or the Writing labs' comments on it for it to count towards your revised paper total (and don't forget to make the revisions!)
  • for more information, click here
  • Write on one of the topics below:
    1. To what extent is the political structure in the Iliad and the Odyssey similar to the Mycenaean political structure as evidenced in the Linear B tablets.

    2. Compare and contrast the "guest friendship" exhibited by Achilles to Priam (Iliad 24) with that of Polyphemus to Odysseus (Odyssey 9). Conclusions? FYI: don't start with summaries of parts of the Iliad and the Odyssey, but use parts of both poems as evidence when comparing and contrasting.


    Paper #2 topic: Go to the following: (click here)

    Paper #3 topic: Go to the following: (click here)

    Paper #4 topic: Go to the following: (click here)

    Paper #5 topic: Go to the following: (click here) 

    Paper #6 topic: Go to the following: (click here)