Overview of History (753 - 42BC)
- Founding of Rome
- legends
- Aeneas, Venus, Troy
- Mars, Romulus, Remus, wolf, Sabine Women
- Lucretia, Brutus, Tarquinius Superbus, Tarquinius Sextus
- reality
- Kingship (753-509)
- Governmental structure
- Merger with Sabines, position of women
- Examples of Etruscan influence
- Why did the kingship end according to legend? Is there any historical basis for the legend?
- The Republic (508-42)
- Government: Functions, etc. of Consul, Praetor, Quaestor, Aedile, Censor, Tribune, the Senate, the Assemblies (as a whole)
- Development/Spread (508-264)
- key to spread?
- what were the ways they treated those they conquered?
- suffered a major setback at the hands of whom, when?
- whom did they fight in Southern Italy? results?
- Conquest of Mediterranean (264-133 BC)
- why did they fight Carthage each time? results of each war?
- whom did they defeat in the East after they defeated Carthage? results?
- what was the new system for treating those they conquered?
- what was effect of these conquests on the Roman state?
- The end of the Republic (133-42 BC)
- what solution did the Gracchi propose to the problems the Roman state was having? Results?
- what solution did Marius effect? Results? Who was Marius?
- who were Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar & Brutus and what was their significance?
Roman Religion
- Key Terms: animism, pax deorum, pietas, cultus deorum
- Major elements of religious practice: sacrifice, prayer, vow, divination
- Major priests/priestesses: Pontifices, Vestal Virgins, Flamines, augurs
- Deities of the home: Lares, Penates, Janus, Vesta, Manes
- Festivals: Ambarvalia, Robigalia, Lupercalia, Saturnalia (know the principal deity(ies), what sacrificed, what special about the festival)
Social Institutions:
- City Life: What are the pro's and con's of life in the city of Rome?
- Slavery:
- Sources for slaves?
- Owned by?
- Occupations?
- Treatment:
- Of slaves in the mines, on farms, in the city?
- Differences based on occupation? Gender? Nationality? Owner? Time period?
- Other?
- "upper" class/management slaves: qualities of, job/duties, perks
- Revolts of Eunus and Spartacus
- reasons for the revolts
- how did the revolts end?
- Freedpersons:
- Reasons for manumission?
- Restrictions on freedom of freedpersons?
- Restrictions on freedoms of children of freedpersons?
- Roman attitudes towards freedpersons? consistent?
- Occupations?
- Relations with former master (now patron)
- responsibilities to former master
- how does naming work?
- limitations on what former master can expect
- responsibilities of former masters
- cordial relations? strained relations?
Possible Essay Questions:
- Freedpersons: The inscriptions written on tombstones form one important source of information about ancient Roman society, and freedpersons in particular. Use Shelton, #236-7,239-241, 242, 244, 246-7, & 250 as a springboard for a discussion of freedpersons; you may also use other passages from our readings as you see fit. As usual, make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples, especially from these passages, to back up your conclusions (FYI: # refers to passage numbers, not page numbers).
- Religion: A number of years ago an aid to President Bush noted flipped the common meme, saying "Every silver lining has a cloud" ("AIDS Funding," NPR: 2/11/03). Examine the advantages and disadvantages of Roman religion for the "average" Roman with regard to that quote. Make sure you give a plethora of pertinent facts/examples from the readings to back up your conclusions and that these are based on a variety of authors/sources.
- Politics:
Background: When Augustus transformed the Roman Republic into an Empire, he paid close attention to what had worked previously and what had not. Some key powers/titles that he kept for himself were: 1) the tribunicial power, 2) the censorial power, 3) the power to appoint substitutes for provinces where he had official imperium, 4) maius (greater) imperium in provinces that were not officially 'his', and 5) religious power as Pontifex Maximus. Three that he rejected were 1) king, 2) dictator (for a time period or for life) and 3) the right to wear triumphal clothes.
Prompt: For 3-6 of the above listed powers/titles, discuss
- whom he learned from with regard the powers/titles you picked and
- what he learned by studying their examples (also include why those particular powers/titles were important).